Best time to post on your favourite social network website
Used correctly, social media is great way to communicate and network with other businesses online.
But the truth is, we're all just surfing the crest of a never-ending data wave. And with that wave getting ever-bigger, you don't want to get lost in the wake ..
So it's vitally important to hit these social networks at the optimum time-of-day: the time most of your potential audience will be online. Of course time is subjective in today's global environment, but you can use this to your advantage too. So let's break down accepted wisdom for the most popular networks:
- Facebook: Traffic builds on the Facebook website after 9am. It peaks at 3pm on a Wednesday & falls off sharply after 4pm. You can avoid weekends altogether if you're pushing a business angle. So your best time to post on Facebook would be between 1pm - 4pm.
- Twitter: Traffic builds a bit later than Facebook & falls off earlier too. So you're best to post 1pm - 3pm, Monday - Thursday.
- LinkedIn: Unlike the previos two networks, the LinkedIn website is primarily used mid-week, immediately before & after business hours. So aim for 7am - 9am and 5pm - 6pm on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
- Google+: Google+ builds after 9am & drops-away after business hours. Aim for 9am - 11am on this network.
- Pinterest: Pinterest users get up a bit later & communicate more casually than those on other networks! It's perhaps more design-led than most. Aim for mid-afternoon or late evening. Oh, and include weekends on your schedule!
With all this information to hand and a few small changes to your schedule, you should be able to optimise your posts to maximise audiences. Give it a whirl & be sure to tell us how you get on!