Ladies flaunt their pins
Recent stats show there are 15 x times as many women using Pinterest as men.
Advertisters paying a fortune to target web-savvy young female buyers may sit up & listen to the news that 92% of all pins on Pinterest are made by women. Furthermore, that % is growing.
It seems Pinterst is primarily used as a kind of aspirational blog, with the most popular categories being Food, Drink & Home Decor. It therefore comes as no surprise that most pins link to the craft-focused etsy.com.
What is surprising though, is Pinterest's retention rate: 84% of female pinners are still pinning 4yrs after signup. That's pretty impressive loyalty in today's fast-moving commodity-focused marketplace.
So how does this affect website design? Well, put plainly, it doesn't affect everyone. But for those clients retailing aspirational products to this demographic, the figures are difficult to ignore. Designing an effective social media integration workflow could prove a compelling and productive route-to-market.