Launch of FarmSafeNet Responsive E-Learning Tool
The Rural Development Council got in touch with us to look at creating an online learning tool for Farm Safe Awareness.
The tool is designed to raise awareness about Farm Safety and is part of a suite of activities developed by the industry led Farm Safety Partnership.
After an initial meeting with DARD and the RDC we decided the focus would be a responsively designed web site, based around a slideshow presentation, with each slide followed by a few multiple choice Q&As. At the end of the ‘Quiz’ each participant receives a unique Certificate number that allows them to avail of other services. The whole system is anonymous unless the user chooses to submit an email address, a rarity these days!
As we use our own Content Management System it was a breeze to set up a completely new template to allow the administrators to create new slides and update Q&As. The slides also allow the inclusion of HTML5 audio and video.
A great project for us, making use of the latest web technologies such as HTML5 multimedia, css3 animation and JSON for data retrieval.
Have a look at http://www.farmsafenet.org