Web Development and Design Links

Web Development and Design Links

It’s not feeling a lot like Summer anymore, so I thought I’d gather together some light (and not so light) reading to keep busy as the nights draw in. 

Free Photography eBooks

This is a great collection of free ebooks from the likes of National Geographic. Some look really useful, and others are just fine examples of good photography!

The Photographers Ephemeris

I just came across this site a few weeks ago. It’s a great tool to plan outdoor shoots, showing how the light will fall on the land based on time of day/elevation/location.


Another Photography based link. This looks really interesting. It allows you to connect your Google Drive and upload and edit Raw files in the browser. A possible free alternative to lightroom, hosted in the cloud!

An RSS Reader For Developers

Niche market here, and one I fit perfectly. An RSS reader specifically for development news feeds

Ad Detector

I’ve been a big fan of AdBlock for years now and this is a similar plugin that looks incredibly useful at filtering out Advertorials from web sites. It places a red banner across the top of any page it believes is paid content. Knowledge is power!

Beautiful Open

This is a site with links to beautifully designed open Source Projects.

Web Colours Explained

Really useful article to explain web representation of colour

Free Typeface For Programmers

There’s a new typeface called Input. I’ve been using it now for a few weeks when coding and it really is a great, legible font if you are spending hours in front of a screen looking through thousands of lines of code.